On a really positive note, I mean really positive note Christy Carson has offered to take over the website and FB stuff and will be starting very shortly. I think our club has made some very positive moves recently, thanks largely to some pretty cool people and their genuine interest in our sport.
I would further like to welcome some new members to the SKR executive.
Mark OLeary has assumed the role as 1st Vice President
Brent Barfoot will be assuming the role as 2nd Vice
I can’t announce Treasurer yet as he’s still on holidays and doesn’t know it yet.
Randy Walker remains as President, District Nine Representative and Landowner Coordinator
Matt Marsh, former VP has agreed to stay on as Signage Coordinator
Paul Davis, former Secretary Treasurer has agreed to stay on as Signage Inspector
Thanks to Paul and Matt for all their efforts .
Moving forward we will be looking for more volunteers in other positions, namely Clubhouse and Social.
Oh, did I mention the “new” Shack” is progressing nicely. More to follow.